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Informations for listeners
If you have a recent version of NETSCAPE, MOSAIC or EXPLORER, click on the soundtrack (38 Ko phone quality) . to listen to the famous " bip-bip " transmitted by Spoutnik. If it doesn't work, let an E-Mail with the name of your software and its version.
The scale model satellite was launched from MIR on Nov 3rd 1997.
november 3th (Moscow local time) :
Its trajectory is different as Mir's.
RS-17 keps on
You can from track Mir station on http://users.skynet.be/alphonse/english.htm or http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/temp/mir_loc.html (very beautiful)
The listening frequency of " bip-bip " is 145825 mhz FM
PRECISIONS concerning RS17 alias "PS2" Spoutnik 40 Years.
I wish to give some precisions about split tasks.During my trip in Moscow Mr Victor Kourilov , the chief of the Project has said that he will publish a QSL card to confirm radio contacts with RS17. In its qualite of National Commissioner of spacial flights of Russia, he worked with the responsible of communications with the Station ++MIR: Serguei SAMBUROV. Due to the postal difficultes to join Russia , it is preferable to send reports to F1FY the QSL official manager in Europe.
For this event, Jules Reydellet FR5KJ radio club publishes a diploma. The format adopted 15x21cm, will allow a postal dispatch without risk of deterioration. It will be in 4 colors on special paper. It will be numeroted and authenticated by the stamp of the club. Diploma request via email will be rejected. The list of diploma's owners will figure in a witness book.
For occasional listenners, they will have to indicate the call sign of the station and the operator will certify the accuracy of the contact.
Diplomas will be sent after RS17 vanishing (no more signal transmission).
Explanation of the three possible designations for the same spacial object : at the beginning the name was the same as project name "SPUTNIK 40 years". The term "PS2", means in russia "very easy" and has same prefix as PS1 the first satellite launched on octiber 1957. This acronym RS17 is appeared in July 97, when technicians have worked on the realisation of definitive cell (last tests). The satellite has been recorded in Geneva. Its number is 24958.
What is the difference between a QSL card and a diploma : a Qsl concern especially Amateur Radio. A Diploma has an idea larger of the commemoration. It addresses to people who want to keep a beautiful "memory" of the event.
by FR5CY, RC FR5KJ, project director "Spoutnik 40 Ans" on Reunion Island.
PSE send your reports (envelope+irc) at FR5KJ radio club. FR5KJ radio club will send you back a diploma.
For infos about "SPOUTNIK 40 ans" (diploma, technical infos...) pse contact FR5CY project director
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