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    Sur la QRG (voir code Q) comme on dit dans notre jargon. Des rendez vous en fréquence (SKED) sont programmés les mercredis soirs sur notre réseau de relais transparents (en VHF / UHF) ou en HF sur 3 663Mhz et constituent le moment privilégié pour échanger entre nous : nous l'appelons le QSO de section.

     Télécharger la dernière version 4.1 pdf (Utilisez la fréquence indiquée par la flèche VERTE pour ressortir sur RRF ou RROI)

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vendredi 28 Fév 2025
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Yaesu controls SDRCONSOLE

Transverter users (DXPATROL output of a YAESU FT817 or 857 ...) are faced with a small difficulty when it comes to transmitting on the rising frequency of QO-100 (2.4 GHz), corresponding at the downward frequency (10GHz) heard via a sdr key connected to the SDRCONSOLE software.

How to determine the offset?

Indeed, I hear a call om on 10.489.690.000, and I wonder the choice of the frequency to adjust on my transceiver UHF (case of a transverter UHF to 2.4 GHz)?

One solution is to send a tune on 432.600 MHz for example and note the frequency of reception observed on the waterfall which should be 10 486 600 000 Hz (10.486.600 MHz)

The offset is 10,486,600 - 432,600 = 10,057 MHz or 10,057,000,000 Hz

It is precisely this offset that must be used each time to know the TX UHF freq. Let's remember this important value for the future ...

I will therefore transmit on 432.69 MHz (10.489.690.000 - = 432.690.000)

Link between SDRCONSOLE (RX) and your transceiver (TX UHF).

There is any connection between these two systems, so we will have to create it ... We will use HRD as a "bridge" between the receiver (SDR key) and the UHF transmitter (Yaesu FT817).


A) Link between the UHF transmitter (Yaesu FT817) and HRD

The UHF transmitter (Yaesu FT817) must be connected via the CAT interface to HRD. (see on the Internet the many tutorials ...). The frequency displayed on the FT817 is displayed on HRD.

Note that the CAT interface uses one or more physical COM ports on your PC. Let's say we used the COM3 port of the PC (to check in the Control Panel / Windows Device Manager)


B)Link between SDRCONSOLE and HRD

SDRCONSOLE is not a transmitter / receiver but a software. It will therefore be necessary:

  •     on the one hand, "attach" a virtual transmitter / receiver with at least 1 COM port (virtual too)
  •     on the other hand create a serial cable (virtual too) to connect this virtual transmitter to HRD (COM11 transmitter / virtual side AND COM10 side HRD


Let's first create this virtual serial cable!!

You have to download VPS  (limited tolimitée à 14d sur https://www.virtual-serial-port.org/fr/articles/configure-virtual-serial-ports/ or if you are amateur radio send a request to K5FR on  http://k5fr.com/DDUtilV3wiki/index.php?title=VSP_Manager ) which creates a virtual cable with a different COM port defined on each side of the cable.

We will assign the COM10 port to HRD and the COM11 to SDRCONSOLE via its virtual transceiver (EXTERNAL RADIO: it will be seen below)

After entering COM10 and COM11, click CREATE PAIR and your cable is made.

Three steps will follow:

First step : connect HRD to the virtual cable through the COM10 port

We will connect HRD to one end of the virtual serial cable we just created. We will use the COM10. The handling in HRD is not intuitive so the picture below will help you find your way.

In HRD, go to the TOOLS/HARDWARE/3rdParty tab and enter the values as the image:

A window will open (be patient depending on the PC it may take a while!)

You will now enter the COM10 as a port in HRD to establish the connection with the SDRCONSOLE (via its virtual transceiver not yet created ...). Complete as below :

The transmission speed of the COM10 port is 57600 bauds. It will be necessary to configure the COM11 port also at 57600 bauds.

Second step : Let's create the virtual transmitter / receiver!

The software to download and install is OMNIRIG (https://omni-rig.software.informer.com/1.9/). Once launched, you will get :

In fact 2 RIGs are created; we will only use one. In RIG1 enter the values as in the picture above.

This virtual RIG will be called TS-2000 and we will assign it the COM11 port ("so that it is connected to the virtual cable COM11"). The transmission speed is 57600 bauds.

These 3 values are important!

Third step : Let's attach this virtual emitter (the virtual TS 2000 just created !!) to SDRCONSOLE!

In SDRCONSOLE you have to activate EXTERNAL RADIO

Click on the VIEW tab then on MORE OPTIONS then on SELECT (the 3 points ...). A window opens: check EXTERNAL RADIO (see below).

SDRCONSOLE restarts.

The EXTERNAL RADIO window now appears in the left menu of your screen. We must now start EXTERNAL RADIO

To do this, click on the TRIANGLE (next to TRACK and REFRESH) -> a yellow background appears in the EXTERNAL RADIO window.

The frequency 10.489 ......... is displayed in the EXTERNAL RADIO window (same frequency as the waterfall)

The EXTERNAL RADIO window has 4 buttons :

  •  Triangle to start the EXTERNAL RADIO
  •  TRACK allows you to start monitoring between the frequency displayed on the waterfall and the frequency of the EXTERNAL RADIO (check that the tracking is done well.)
  •   REFRESH refreshes
  •  ?  access the configuration menu

You must now set the EXTERNAL RADIO.

To do this, click on the ? -> the configuration window opens. If OMNIRIG is not open (in the background), a message will invite you to start it ....

On the image above we see that the TS 2000 is ONLINE. By clicking on OMNIRIG, it is always possible to modify the parameters of the TS 2000.

If all goes well the frequency of the waterfall is displayed in the EXTERNAL RADIO window. We will correct this frequency so that it takes into account the offset.

Remember what was said earlier: "The offset is 10,486,600 - 432,600 = 10,057 MHz or 10,057,000,000 Hz"

Start over the configuration of the EXTERNAL RADIO by clicking on the ? and enter the offset from the UPCONVERTER.  Tab OK!

The frequency displayed in EXTERNAL RADIO now takes into account the offset: 432 Mhz.

432 741 MHZ is displayed --> the offset is now token


The FT817 now controls SDRCONSOLE via its virtual TS-2000 AND vice versa

That's where the bridge is made --->

  •      HRD receives information from SDRCONSOLE and FT817
  •      when I turn the FT817's VFO, the frequency displayed in SDRCONSOLE moves
  •      when I click on the waterfall, the frequency 432MHZ corresponding to that 10GHz is displayed in the FT817

it is magic!!!


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